This is a blog about my journey with bipolar disorder. I was diagnosed spring of 2011 and was admitted into a mental health hospital a month before my wedding. I struggled greatly for the next year and a half going on and off meds, experimenting with different forms of therapy and was readmitted to the hospital at the end of 2012. Since then I have been learning how to re-live my life. Seeing a wise, supportive, kind therapist once a week and emerging myself into Dialectical Behavioural Therapy are 2 of many ways that are helping me recover. I have found deep comfort and much strength in mindfulness practices, taught to me from DBT.

This blog is my way of allowing you to see into the life of someone who suffers from bipolar, depression and extreme anxiety. I want to own my story, and help defeat the stigma. I hope you find some comfort in knowing you are not alone, or learn more about mental illness through the writings of my blog.

Wednesday, 28 November 2012

eden art

Today I thought I'd share some art that I've been doing since being here....
I'm kinda in love with this feather painting, the drips, the water marks, the black...
again, sorry for the TERRIBLE photos, but I just have my macbook for taking photos with photobooth, haha kinda lame...
I watercoloured this cute lil owl today and hopefully tomorrow there will be a friend to join him...
haha and then this owl is the funniest! I painted it on a rock, so it was hard, and i had to use acrylic paint. and i hate working with acrylic paint doing details. the message and "owl always love you" i wrote on the back of the stone..... i think i kinda like rock painting..... might get into that more....

Anyways, today was...... today was a day.
Lots of up and downs.
Candice and Darlene came this evening to facilitate some listening prayer with me, which I had my apprehensions about, but those were quickly eliminated once we got started. I'm too tired (yay tired!) to write more about the details, but i'll just say this. God spoke to me in ways that I couldnt have come up with on my own. I always struggle with listening praying, thinking that "these are just my thoughts, how do i know if this is jesus speaking?" But this time, there is no way what I was hearing was coming from inside of me because I couldn't even think about stuff like that, so it was overwhelming at times because it was like OH MY GOODNESS HE'S REALLY SPEAKING TO ME AND ITS POWERFUL AND OVERWHELMING. haha, so i'll read through the 50 pages that Dar wrote down as we were praying and decide what to share here another time.

I took 2 sleeping pills a while ago and I think i'm starting to feel it, so I'm gonna say goodnight!

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